Tuesday 15 December 2009

Ditch it: Night World series

Hi Everyone! This week's book is totally a book to steer clear of: the Night World Series.

Night World 1: Secret Vampire, Daughter of Darkness, Enchantress

Night World 2: Dark Angel, The Chosen, Soulmates
Night World 3: Huntress, Black Dawn, Witchlight

Personally... I think that L.J is not talented in the least. Her books are too basic. Each book (of which there are three) have about three stories inside them. Each of the stories seem rushed... boy meets girl, girl falls madly in love with boy, boy turns girl into Vampire. The End. All she does is to change the names.

However, though the stories she creates with the Night World sucks. I will admit that the IDEA of the Night World is amazing. There are many different kinds of Vampires there are Born Vampires: Lamia who can stop aging at anytime and the Made Vampires: who are frozen at the age they were when they were changed.

Though the book is not one that I would recommend. It is a book that has many interesting ideas, and sparks that could VERY POSSIBLY turn into more.

The Night World website/LJ Smith's Website:


To read Night World fanfictions, go to:


Saturday 12 December 2009

Vampire Academy: Love it

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead is an amazing book that seriously has it all. Forbidden romance, danger, everything that could possibly be wanted in a Vampire tale. There are four books that are out for sale in the series.

1. Vampire Academy
2. Frostbite
3. Shadow Kiss
4. Blood Promise

The fifth book (Spirit Bound) will be coming out on May 18th 2010. The sixth book, which does not yet have an official name will be coming out late 2010.
Richelle Mead is incredibly talented. Her tale of love, and loss drags readers in, far more then Meyer could ever have done with Twilight (I mean seriously, in Breaking Dawn Bella and Edward only do it) Rose Hathaway (who is the main character of Vampire Academy) is hot, spunky and a hero herself. She doesn't wait to be saved. She fucking saves herself.

The Vampires in Vampire Academy are very unique, there are two different types of Vampires... along with Dhampir's... who are more... interesting.

Moroi: A Mortal Vampire, who is good. Moroi have an unbreakable bond to the earth's magic
Strigoi: A evil Immortal Vampire. Moroi must be protected at all times from the Strigoi
Dhampir: A half human-half Moroi. With human strength and Vampire senses, they make the best bodyguards. They are the ones who protect the Moroi from the Strigoi Day and Night.

So, why read Vampire Academy? It has an awesome plotline, and awesome author. I highly recommend it, it is an international bestseller. If you want to find out more about Vampire Academy, or its author Richelle Mead there are links below to find out more:

Richelle Mead's Blog: Even Redheads Get the Blues:


Richelle Mead's Website:


The Official Vampire Academy Website:


Also, to read Vampire Academy inspired fanfictions, go to:



Hi everyone,

Me, and a bunch of my friends think that Twilight SUCKS ASS, and that there are many good Vampire Books that aren't being noticed because Twilight is soooo big. Here, you will be able to find (updated at least once a week) which books are actually good. And which ones to steer clear of.

Enjoy them!